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Liverspots and Astronots

Liverspots and Astronots

2018     Not Rated     English
TV Show     Animation,  Comedy
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No one seems to know why Dusty Craters, a dilapidated nursing home, is floating through space carrying a colorful assortment of grumpy old folks under the care of an evil goat doctor. But then again nothing seems to make sense in a world where a talking two-dollar bill lives in a Cracker Jack box and a three-eyed ape just might be the center of the universe. Best friends Roosi and Big Man uncover these mysteries and more as they go on one epic adventure after another in this buddy comedy.
Created ByRobert Bohn
FeaturingNate Milton, Colin Mochrie, Keith David, Nicole Sullivan
Season 1 21 Episodes Oct 18, 2018
Show Status   Active / Ongoing
Liverspots and Astronots
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